Eligibility approval required before visits.

Who is Eligible
A patient must secure approval of eligibility prior to all healthcare appointments. To be eligible, they must live within our service area, be uninsured, and their household income must be within 250% of the Federal Poverty Level. Patients are screened thoroughly for eligibility at least annually and must apply for government programs, such as Medicaid, Medicare and CHIP when requested.
Our Eligibility Requirements
You must include proof of:
Residency within Bucks County
Services include medical, dental, behavioral health and social services
Proof of residency- utility bill with name on it
Before-tax household income for 2021 within 250% of the Federal Poverty Level
($33,975 for one person, $57,575 for a family of three, etc.).
Proof of identity- photo ID, passport
proof of income- pay stubs, bank statements or signed letters from employers
We Offer Assistance
We want to help eligible patients enroll in the free or low-cost medication programs offered by the pharmaceutical companies and medical assistance or CHIP if applicable..
Referrals are also made to other community organizations who can help, such as health insurance coverage, for legal services, domestic violence, drug and alcohol and mental health services.
For Medical Services:
Eligibility is reviewed every twelve months or when the patient’s circumstances change. Every effort is made to assist patients in finding the best and most affordable alternatives for their healthcare, including free or low-cost health insurance.
For Dental Services:
Dental services are provided by appointment only and clinics are set up according to the availability of volunteer dentists and hygienists.
For Other Services:
If we are unable to provide you with the services or care you need, here are a few organizations that may further assist you:


